An all-in-one comfort device perfect for naps, binges, and snuggle sessions. It's the world's coziest comfort object. Science says so!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
about 7 years ago
– Wed, Dec 13, 2017 at 06:20:43 PM
I hope you have all been cozy, warm, and enjoying the TUCK out of the holiday season so far!
I'd like to start with a big...
HAPPY TUCK TUES...wait...I'm a day late aren't I?
DANG! Well, I have some REALLY good news and I just couldn't wait 6 days. I'm so excited.
Except for a very small amount of returned orders, incomplete surveys, and unverified shipping addresses - ALL TUCK AND TUCKXL ORDERS HAVE BEEN SHIPPED!!!!
There are still XL orders arriving at their forever-homes each day - so if yours has not yet arrived - do not fret just yet! Many have been sent out in the previous weeks with various journey lengths.
You can check out/update your survey status here and then, if you are all finalized there, shoot me an email at [email protected] to get the details!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I'd like to give you all anenormous thank you for your support, patience, kindness, and empathy as my family and I stumbled our way through the incredible obstacle course that was this campaign.
I've spoken to a lot of amazing people throughout - and thankfully the Tuck community is full of them. The sheer amount of support for this home-grown idea is still mind-boggling to me, and I adore each and every one of you for it!!
Most importantly - pretty much everyone we've spoken with loves their Tucks! That was the main priority all along.
This review, in particular, gave us the goosebumps when we received the message. Thank you to the awesome backer John GT for the creativity and positivity that went into it. We had to alter a few things and take out some Snuggie bashing for legal purposes - but Michelle and I decided to make it into a quick video to show our appreciation :D
Walking into this campaign - I never expected such an extensive fulfillment process or the creation of a new product - but it reallycreated growth in this seedling company and myself, so I'm extremely thankful for all of it, and all of you.
Speaking of things to be thankful for...
Give-A-Tuck's First Holiday Season:
Alongside our many in person Gives, hundreds of Tucks have already been sent out to Covenant House PA and Blankets for the Homeless. Many more will be sent in the coming two weeks to Khloe Kares, Bowery Mission, Northern Children's Services, and Covenant House NY for Holiday Care Bags.
You all made this happen - and we wouldn't have been able to do it or afford it without you making the choice to Give-A-Tuck for a bit of extra PocketChange (see what I did there???) I plan to continue this program in future years and campaigns, expanding our Comfort-giving to other places that need comfort, such as children's hospitals.
If you have any other ideas for charitable action please don't hesitate to reach out!
Tuck and TuckXL Availability:
This morning one of our awesome US backers said she wished she could get more Tucks/TuckXLs before Christmas, so we wanted to let you know - YOU CAN.
There is still a very limited quantity left, but we now have some both in the US and at our fulfillment center overseas.
SO - If you are in the US or Canada and need to check some more loved ones off the gift list or get a great white elephant/secret santa gift, just order them through our website. Comfort is always a great gift, US orders will arrive within 2-5 days of purchase GUARANTEED, and Canadian orders within 7-10 days! (Sorry, with customs there are no guarantees but almost all have been delivered without a hitch)
If you are across the seas from me, shoot over an email or a message on the websiteafter your order and I'll make sure the right choices are made to get your Tuck to you ASAP. Most orders can still arrive within 10 days!!!
Don't forget to use your KSBacker code for 20% off all coziness (case-sensitive)
Well, that's about it for today!
Once every single Tuck has arrived at their forever home, I plan to send out another update fit with a survey so that I can know what to do to better service backers in future campaigns, and how I can help to make each and every one of you even more comfortable.
For now though, I hope you all have incredibly cozy, amazing holidays and are filled with love and cozy moments throughout. I wish you all the finest things in life!!!!
With LOTS of love,
P.S. If you'd like to keep up with our day-to-day goings on and progress:
Tuck Tuesday: Halloween Edition
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 07:22:48 PM
Happy Tuck Tuesday to everyone and more importantly...
I hope that all of you are having a scary awesome day and that life has been treating you well.
I am sure you all have some spooky movies to watch, candy to eat, and costumes to wear. In typical PocketChange fashion - our costume is SUPER comfortable, and even more fun!
It even has a cupholder in his hand...
What are you all being??? Comment down below and let us know!
Today will be a bit shorter of an update to tackle an issue from the last update, cover some TuckXL matters that it seems folks were concerned about, and let everyone know what is going on in the Tuck Universe! Lets hop to it!
Last Update's Troublesome Typo
In the last update I let everyone know that the code “KSbacker” would give them 20% off on PocketChange.lifefor any holiday orders.
Unfortunately, I was not aware that the code entry was case sensitive and the real code was “KSBacker”.
I have fixed this and made it so both work - but I just wanted to let anyone who unsuccessfully tried to order another package o’ coziness at backer prices that the kinks are ironed out.
Me "Ironing Out" The Kinks
NOTE: We are not yet capable of fulfilling overseas orders from our website. These can be taken on Backerkit. Currently - there is a small delay for any new, non-US/Canada orders containing regular Tucks, as we've had to do another manufacturing run due to excess demand. However, there are a few TuckXLs left that still need a home and would be shipping within the next 1-2 weeks. That brings us to...
TuckXL Shipping
Currently about 96% of Kickstarter orders have been happily fulfilled - with many more arriving at their Forever-Homes each day.
Orders including TuckXL are all that is remaining (outside a select few stubborn shipments), and they began shipping at the end of September. Many backers have received theirs with all positive reports to date.
You rock, Mark!
For any orders that I could send partially from home - I decided to ship separately at my expense. This way, the XLs could be sent directly from the factory rather than making the slow journey across the ocean on ship. This was not the plan initially, but delays happen, things change, and I adapted to them the best I could.
International fulfillment has been one of the more difficult things I’ve had to tackle, and it has felt a lot like a Trial By Fire since I’ve started this first campaign. Thankfully - I’ve learned a ton from this experience and these lessons will make fulfillment of future campaigns a breeze #SilverLiningsPlaybook
So if you’re in the 4% missing your order know that I am doing my best, and I WILL get you your Tucks. They are shipping day by day with a large portion scheduled for the coming week - so stay posted and keep a look out for a fluffy package on your doorstep.
As always - if you have any specific questions - reach out to me at [email protected]. I will not be putting tracking info or specifics of individual orders into the comments section - so it doesnt make much sense to ask for order info there!
Outside all that, here's what is going on with the company:
We are sending over 200 of your Give-A-Tucks to Covenant House to give to kids in their Holiday season gift bags! This will keep them warm and cozy, even when life isn't...and your purchases of Give-A-Tuck bundles and bags made it happen!!!
It has gotten cold near me recently, so I took the train into New York City with a duffle bag full of Tucks on a "Give-A-Tuck" mission and gave out about 30 more Tucks to those who seemed to need them most. One of my favorites was this gentleman below. His name is John - a super kind, super humble military vet who was just so excited to be getting one. He was confined to a wheelchair and said his feet always got so cold from inactivity, so he couldn't wait to try his Tuck. I told him about the Give-A-Tuck bundle, how it works, and asked him to take a picture to show you guys. He requested I say thank you and let you all know how much he appreciates the kindness given to him and people like him.
My friend Tikka released a super awesome sleepmask, the NayaMask, on Kickstarter and was fully funded! As people who clearly enjoy innovative sleep objects - I thought you might appreciate it. If you wanna check it out, click the link above!
That's all for today guys! Any questions and you can shoot me an email and I'll get back to you as quickly as I can. Be safe out there and have an amazing Halloween.
The Finish Line Is In Sight...
over 7 years ago
– Tue, Sep 05, 2017 at 10:28:38 PM
Happy Tuckin’ Tuck Tuesday!!!!!
That was one heck of a Tuck Tuesday dance party! It's been a little while - and I missed you all!!!
I hope you awesome folks have had a cozy couple of months. This original gang of Tuckers, Kickers, and Tweeners deserves only the finest - and I pray you're receiving it.
In the time since we last spoke I’ve been fulfilling the final OG Tuck orders, refining the online store, finalizing the development of the de-luscious TuckXL, receiving & treating a moderate concussion, planning charitable outreach for the coming Winter, conceiving future campaigns, and refining all the skills it takes to run this show from home in these early stages of PocketChange Designs! Phew. It has been crazy, busy, and incredible.
What do you mean I'm acting weird???
I know I have said it before - but I just want to reiterate again - Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. It was just about a year ago that I was struggling behind a sewing machine at my kitchen table, putting the final touches on a prototype, writing the Tuck Kickstarter script, and wondering if people would love the Tuck or think I was a lunatic.
Now, just 12 months later - people are snugglin' up in Tucks in 35 countries around the world with more to come, and I get to do work that I love. Of course I still struggle and mess up and make mistakes with the continually-evolving demands of this business, but things are very different now, and I'm grateful for how it has progressed. I have the support of you all to thank for keeping this ship sailing.
I can’t thank you enough for that - and I want you to know I am doing my damnedest to make sure your faith is well-placed. that all that mushiness is taken care of….Let’s Talk Tuck!
Final OG Tuck Fulfillment:
The goal I laid out in my last update was to have all orders (not including Tuck XL’s) shipped by Summer’s end. For the vast majority - this has been achieved. There are still a few outstanding orders due to miscommunications with fulfillment partners, shipping issues, survey issues, etc.
If you fall into this camp and haven't been taken care of - shoot an email to [email protected] and I’ll personally look into your order and make sure your package o’ coziness gets to you ASAP.
Because everyone deserves this...
TuckXL Development:
As you all know, the TuckXL was recommended by you - the backers. It was then designed by backers and voted on by backers, and if we had launched in traditional retail or on Amazon - it never would have existed at all. This illustrates the beauty of this community-based platform.
My brother Ryan and I wanted to honor that by incorporating some of the quirky branding that was organically created during the color voting process and truly making the XL a “special” edition of Tuck.
Some of the changes incorporated are:
New, Super Cuddly Fabric: The original Tucks are incredibly soft, luscious, and snuggleable - but when my manufacturing partner sent over the newly created fabric for the XL - it was a game changer. It is light enough for breathability but soft and cuddly enough to keep you warm - taking all the goodness from the OG Tuck and expanding upon it to create an infinity blanket of awesomeness.
Ahhhh that's nice.
A Special Edition Logo: The “Bats” edition TuckXL, as we said, is being made in a very limited quantity. As such, we wanted to commemorate that with its own special logo that combines the original Tuck goodness with the backer created vibe that was crowned winner during the color voting process. Below is what Ryguy came up with!
Woven Labels: After testing between the patches and woven labels - we have come to the conclusion that labels are a better fit for the Tuck. It's a more minimal branding option that is more easily-incorporated into the Tuck design and allows for a consistent aesthetic through the Tuck’s various modes of use.
Earlier in the summer I said that Tuck XLs would begin shipping in September, and I am stoked to say - we still appear to be on target. Our manufacturing partner is currently finalizing the first batch o’ XLs to be shipped out this month directly from the Tuck stitching center - and I know you guys will love them.
My brother Ryan and girlfriend Michelle currently have the two prototypes from the initial updates and they assure me that it is, by far, their favorite blanket ever (especially appreciated by 6'4" Ryan).
We have ordered limited extras, and are still taking preorders via Backerkit by following this link.
Tuck Folding:
While feedback for the Tuck has been generally very positive, an issue that many have is that they can’t seem to fold the Tuck back into it’s original pillow form. Michelle and I made this little video, claymation style, to show how the Tuck transforms between Pillow and Blanket/Cloak mode with a little folding and inside-outing.
If this still doesn’t make it easy - there is a full Tuck User Manual and Pose Guide available for download here that for sure will.
As I stated earlier in the update - I have gotten to know many of you backers on a personal level throughout the course of this campaign.
One backer, which I had the pleasure of chatting with over Facebook Messenger, had some experience with homelessness, saying, “It got so cold and damp at night and I remember shaking and shivering as I surrounded myself with some found cardboard and newspapers for insulation...I am more than sure that folks will be lovin’ to get these Tucks.”
Thanks to the generosity of you backers - over 500 Tucks are packed up, to be donated around the US this Winter. We are honored to be in a position to give those in-need a comfort companion, and help deliver a piece of home during challenging Winter months. This is truly an amazing feat, and it wouldn’t have happened without this community.
We are working on a video to show you just how much the gift of warmth & comfort means to those realizing that you give a Tuck about them. Stay tuned!!!
The Tuck Online Store:
Since fulfilling all Non-XL US orders for Tuck, we have created our online store and are now taking orders and shipping inside the US while working on our Amazon listing for international retail!
Remember - all you OG backers get 20% off your entire order with the code “KSbacker” at checkout, and the timing couldn’t be better for US backers, because, to quote my favorite TV show…
Follow our Instagram, hashtag #TuckYourself. Insta and Facebook will be our most active platforms going forward.
Like us on Facebook. Shoot me a message if you wanna chat! It is much better than Kickstarter messenger.
Subscribe to the PocketChange YouTube Channel. We'll be creating lots more video content in the coming months.
Tweet me here! (I use this least for some reason.)
Lots of love, gang! Until next time...stay awesome!
International Shipping, Tracking Troubles, and an XL sized Tuck XL Update
over 7 years ago
– Tue, May 30, 2017 at 05:39:23 PM
Happy Tuck Tuesday Gang!!!!!
It has been a crazy, introspective, and productive month for PocketChange Designs, and I hope you all are doing very well! I miss you guys, and at this point most of you should be snuggling up in your Tuck (XL backers and select international backers excluded) so I have been super stoked to see the comments from folks that have received them!
Some have voiced that Tuck is not a summer product, but I have still been enjoying the TUCK out of mine! The warm nights have been perfect for replacing the heavy comforter with my Tuck, stripping down, and kicking one foot out the side for cool summer sleeps.
Plus, my family members and friends have been loving theirs on game nights, movie nights, and while playing rounds of Mario Kart.
It's The Ultimate Gaming Companion As Well!
I have been keeping updates a little more distant from each other as to make them more meaty and important, and not overwhelm your inboxes with small post-campaign matters.
This is a juicy update - so lets hop to it! The first order of business that needs to be tackled...
Non-US Tracking Info:
My fulfillment partners and I have had some "discrepancies" about the tracking information as a result of the confusion faced by some of you. Some backers are getting their email, some of you have reported it buried in the spam folder, and others have nothing at all!
Bottom Line: If you are a backer that does not have a "Give-A-Tuck" bag or Tuck XL in their order - you should have received either your Tuck or the tracking info for it by this time.
If not - please send me an e-mail at [email protected] and we will resolve it! The fulfillment center I am working with has a shoddy online infrastructure despite promising customer service and reviews - so we may need to sort out tracking manually in some instances.
I am here to do this - by email or Facebook Messenger to my business page. The Kickstarter messaging platform is terrible, and I will not be putting anybody's tracking info in the campaign's comment section.
Note: Only send me an email if you DO NOT have a GIVE-A-TUCK BAG or TUCK XL in your order. Orders with these items included are still awaiting shipment.
Non-US Orders with the Give-A-Tuck Bag:
We had some issues getting our carry bags through customs to our international fulfillment center - and thus had to order inventory from a new manufacturer near our fulfillment partners. They will be ready within 10 days, and then your orders will begin shipping.
You will be receiving the tracking information from our fulfillment partners SFC (Send From China) when they are sent out, so keep an eye out for this name in your emails.
Now...for the exciting stuff...
How I Felt Opening the Package...
Heres a bunch of photos to show you guys the colors, quality, fluffiness, and size differentials so that you are kept in the loop as this is created, and get an idea for what you'll be getting:
Prototype 1
Prototype 2
Side By Side
We like certain features of both prototypes - and are trying to create a respectful compromise between the two.
Tuck Side By Side with Tuck XL:
Pardon My Midriff! For reference: I am about 6 foot tall, and in the XL picture am on my Tippy Toes at about 6'2-6'3
On A Queen-Sized Bed
In Pillow Mode
So...yeah, this thing is absolutely awesome and I am a bit in love with it. Before you backers requested it, I had never even considered a gigantic, swimmable, super-sized Tuck - so THANK YOU for your insight and participation in this project and the subsequent voting rounds.
I am so damn grateful for Kickstarter and the community that has developed around this product - and every day I realize that more. Much love, guys!
So - here's what is happening with the Tuck XL:
While functionality, size, and fabric are decided upon and friggin' fantastic (we are using a newly invented type of fleece which is actually softer than the original, believe it or not) - we are finalizing a few aesthetics that showcase more how we see this brand evolving.
When I launched this project on Kickstarter - I was just a dude sewing stuff together in his really-confused-yet-supportive parents' house. I had a lots of doubts, but thankfully I had an amazingly talented and loving group of family and friends to mush me toward launch.
Since all of you guys joined in - you've cultivated this massive belief and vision for PocketChange. By my latest count - the Tuck is now in 32 TUCKIN' COUNTRIES - and I am now making choices to evolve the brand and company which respect the weight of that.
So - Ryan and I are working on some new additions to the XL that I think you guys will be really excited about :D Rest assured - they will totally respect the design and product you have brought to life.
Quality is our number one concern. Now that our infrastructure is firmly in place, the manufacturing/fulfillment process will be sped up greatly from the last production run. This means Tuck XL orders will be delivered before fall. But...
I will not be ordering extra inventory.
Because the XL was an addition to this campaign and not its own campaign - I do not really have the funds to order extras.
So - if you love your current Tuck or want one that is super-sized and super luscious for extra spacious cuddles or sharing with your loved one - I HIGHLY recommend preordering an XL. They will not be readily available post campaign.
Here is a snippet of the text thread between me and my brother/co-creator Ryan from yesterday, when he received his prototype in the mail.
Disregard My Perpetually Dying Battery...
If you get an XL and aren't impressed - just send it back and I will refund your order. That is how confident I am in this product.
If you are in the US and want another regular Tuck/bag/manual - I recently redid our online store and all backers now get 20% off their order with the code "KSBacker" at checkout.